A Reflection on Wisdom

“She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed” (Proverbs 3:18). Wisdom. She has been a life jacket to me lately.  She’s kept me a float. She’s kept me safe, protected, and deeply rooted in the scriptures. Maybe for the first time, I’ve embraced her. Or maybe just relied on her more heavily than my own human mind. And, boy, have I been blessed.

Upon graduating from The University of Georgia in May, I moved to Charlottesville, VA to begin the Trinity Fellows Program- a nine-month leadership and spiritual development program that equips first year college graduates to embrace the church, engage in God’s world, and explore what it means to live out an all-encompassing faith. Attempting to clearly articulate all parts of the fellows program is difficult. This year is busy, challenging, and from what I can already see, powerfully formative. My host family’s home is a haven of peace, my job in youth and children’s ministry is a joy, and seminary classes I’ve always yearned to take are challenging me beyond measure. I’ve been surrounded with fifteen talented and loving “fellow fellows”, who are quickly becoming people who both love me well and inspire me to think deeply about the world. In the midst of one crazy transition, I’m experiencing the most beautiful communion with God that I’ve ever experienced.

Life is messy and ever changing. You know this well- I am sure of it. Yet wisdom never changes. She is absolutely infallible. If you’re anything like me, however, your pride probably tells you you’re already pretty wise. You know God. You’re following Him. You read the Bible. But, are you really seeking wisdom? Here in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, God is chiseling away the parts of me that are idolatrous and selfish. He’s continuing to bring healing and victory over addictions. He’s showing me the true meaning of community through relationships and a God-centered church. Above all of this, however, He has given me this authentic, all-consuming thirst for wisdom- an unquenchable desire to read His word and know it. A desire to surrender my own yearnings, and to abide fully in His words and ways. I challenge you to dig. Dig deep within your own heart, and, I challenge you, meditate on wisdom for a while. You may come to realize just how much God wants to bless you, strengthen you, and bring you into closer communion with Him.