We are thrilled you are interested in applying to the Trinity Fellows Program! Please Fill out the application below!



The Trinity Fellows Program has a rolling admissions policy, but applications received on or before the deadline posted below will receive priority. Our admission process is very selective and the spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. A visit to Charlottesville is strongly encouraged but is not mandatory.

Because there are two types of Trinity Fellows—Marketplace and Ecclesial—applicants may specify their interest in a particular program or be considered for both. Part of our application form allows applicants to indicate their interest in a particular program. We generally reserve eight spaces for men and eight for women.





*We will make every attempt to give applicants an answer in a timely manner, but the dates listed are merely an estimate of time from application to final notification. Please let us know if you have special circumstances and time-sensitive decisions to make that require you to receive final notification before the dates listed. Note that applications are accepted until spaces are filled. Thank you.


Please note: If you have any questions regarding the application, contact the Director of the Trinity Fellows Program, Dennis Doran at fellows@trinitycville.org or (434) 825-9866.

This application requires extensive self-reflection and may take significant time to complete. IF you think it may take you more than one sitting to complete the application, WE SUGGEST THAT YOU TAKE THE RECOMMENDED STEPS BELOW:

  1. Download Application WORD Doc

  2. Fill out your answers on the word document

  3. Save your document as a PDF

  4. Email completed application to fellows@trinitycville.org

Costs & Details

Each Fellow is housed with a host family from the church community. Room and board are provided at no cost, and living expenses are further offset by the part-time wages the Fellows earn in their workplace assignments. Fellows are responsible for their own car and health insurance. Before entering the program, each Marketplace and Ecclesial Fellow is required to raise $7,500 for program support and is encouraged to seek financial and prayer support from family, friends, and church community. Costs meet expenses related to seminary courses, field trips, career evaluations, books/study materials, conferences, and administrative expenses.